Lãnh đạo 4.0: Leadership 4.0

Lãnh đạo 4.0: Leadership 4.0 – Nâng tầm kỹ năng lãnh đạo

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Thời lượng: 05 giờ 51 phút
Giáo Trình: 44 Bài giảng
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Lãnh đạo 4.0: Leadership 4.0 – Nâng tầm kỹ năng lãnh đạo

Mô tả

Giảng viên John Masud Parvez giúp bạn Nâng tầm kỹ năng lãnh đạo qua khóa học Lãnh đạo 4.0: Công cụ hiện đại, chiến lược số, và trí tuệ cảm xúc để dẫn dắt đội nhóm.

Đăng ký khóa học trực tuyến “Lãnh đạo 4.0: Leadership 4.0” của giảng viên John Masud Parvez – Bạn sẽ học được:

Làm thế nào để lãnh đạo bản thân tốt hơn.

Làm thế nào để lãnh đạo nhóm.

Các công cụ khác nhau như nhà lãnh đạo và nhà quản lý.

Làm thế nào để làm cho nhóm hiệu quả hơn với tư cách là một nhà lãnh đạo.

Làm thế nào để tạo ra kết quả tốt hơn cho nhóm của bạn với tư cách là người lãnh đạo hoặc người quản lý.

Làm thế nào để thúc đẩy năng suất cao hơn trong nhóm.

Làm thế nào để được thăng chức lên vị trí lãnh đạo và quản lý.

Làm thế nào để trở nên thành công hơn với tư cách là nhà lãnh đạo và quản lý.

Làm thế nào để thúc đẩy kết quả và hoàn thành công việc mà không cần thẩm quyền.

Giới thiệu về khóa học Online qua video: Lãnh đạo 4.0: Leadership 4.0

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Giảng viên

Rounded avatarJohn Masud Parvez

Business Transformation Expert

Since 2020, I have been passionately sharing my proven breakthrough formulas, approaches, and applications with managers, directors, and C-suite executives at renowned companies such as Merck, Siemens, INSEE, KWE, Intercontinental, Brooks, Hitachi, AIA, and 100+ others. My mission has always been to empower these leaders, unlocking their potential to drive remarkable business breakthroughs.

In professional life: I am Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Business Transformation Expert. I worked as CIO/Transformation Director for Billion Doller companies such as – FPT, Hoan My Medical Corp, RMIT University, etc

In Entrepreneurship life: I’m the founder of VSHR Group. Where we research business and social problems and solve them by establishing Companies and nonprofits. In our Group, VSHR Pro Academy has worked with around 75+ companies to transform their workforce.

Years back, I used to say I had two lives. One is a career, and the other is Passion. So I will tag each step with the use of them.

How I got here…

2009: [Career] Got OIC scholarship which covered all tuition fees for Bachelor degree in Computer Science and Information Technology.

2010: [Passion] Found research as a passion and started publishing scientific papers

2011: [Career] Started my Expatriate life as a Software Engineering Consultant

2012: [Passion] Published around 11 scientific journal and conference publications in software engineering and Data mining.

2012: [Passion] Got 4 PhD offers from Australia and UK

2013: [Career] Joined at RMIT University as Head of Digital Transformation Projects.

2013: [Passion] Drop out of PhD Study having a strong desire to make impact on the mass population

2013: [Passion] Accidentally started self-funding research based on curiosity about Human Resources and unpleasant experience with Healthcare Customer Experience, Education

2016: [Passion] Founded a Nonprofit named ‘Social Health Revolution’ on public healthcare development

2017: [Passion] Realized HR is the biggest issue of the Nonprofit and started building a Workforce model to solve nonprofit HR problems.

2017: [Career] Joined as Group IT Director for Hoan My Medical Corporation

2020: [Passion] Founded VSHR Group, and initiated VSHR Pro Academy for workforce transformation Solutions for companies

2021: [Passion] Started making content on YouTube to help others find and develop their passion/entrepreneurship project.

2021: [Career] Joined FPT as Digital Transformation Director for healthcare businesses.

2024: [Passion] Publish my book 100x Business Workforce. Become Vietnam’s one of  Top Linkedin KOL / Influencers for the Technology and Innovation field.

Today: I work on business transformation by using my two key areas of expertise: digital Digital Transformation and Workforce Transformation.

To all the present and future champions in the arena, we’re all in the middle of writing our own stories. The worse the track, the more epic is our story.

You either get a breakthrough outcome or an epic story. Both mean you win.

Keep rocking. May your desires be greater than your challenge.

A winner never quits, and a loser never starts!

Nội dung khóa học trực tuyến “Lãnh đạo 4.0: Leadership 4.0” do giảng viên John Masud Parvez hướng dẫn bao gồm các bài giảng:

Phần 1: Introduction
Phần 2: Preparing and Getting a Leadership Role
Phần 3: Leading yourself as a Leader
Phần 4: Excelling Myself as a Leader
Phần 5: Leading your team as A Modern Leader
Phần 6: Use Meetings to get things done and boost productivity
Phần 7: Boost your skills as a hiring manager to form a great team
Phần 8: Leading the business as a Leader
Phần 9: Congratulations!
Phần 10: Science Based Leadership Tools – Mastermind

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